The extra health benefits in the peach blueberry and banana custard porridge with pepitas and quinoa are from the 10.9g of dietary fibre each pouch of South Australian Gourmet Food Company Banana Fruit Custard provides. Achieving your dietary fibre needs each day supports your gut to work at its best and promotes sustained energy release due to the gradual release of sugar into your bloodstream. This helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer and helps to maintain a healthy weight.
Quinoa and milk are both complete sources of protein. This means that they contain all the essential amino acids or building blocks of a protein that your body needs to create a protein. Milk is also a great source of calcium which is vital for strong bones and teeth. Milk also has vitamin D which is needed for your body to absorb calcium properly. Quinoa is a good source of magnesium which is needed to activate vitamin D.
Quinoa is also a good source of phosphorous, iron, zinc, potassium, and copper. Two compounds called quercetin and kaempferol are found in quinoa which has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and mood-enhancing properties.
Cinnamon increases the anti-inflammatory properties as well as the antioxidants. Peach is a great source of vitamin A which supports your eyes to function at their best as well as promotes optimal immune system function. Peaches also provide your body with vitamin C which is needed to make the protein collagen.
Pepitas are a good source of vitamin K which is needed for your blood to clot normally and plays a role in keeping your bones strong. Pepitas are also a good source of phosphorous, manganese, iron, and magnesium. This peach, blueberry and apple custard porridge with pepitas and quinoa is a breakfast that you do not want to miss out on.